第1回 AIC中学生・高校生対象英語エッセイコンテスト結果発表
Auckland International Collegeは、以下の狙いのもと同コンテストを開催いたしました。 本企画の趣旨にご賛同いただいた全国の中学・高等学校99校から非常にレベルの高い作品が多数寄せられました。 【Auckland International College 総校長 Carolyn Solomon による総評】 The essays were a very good standard of English language, regardless of age. The content was interesting, with some common themes such as cultural traditions, tolerance of difference, education, and personal qualities such as “omotenashi.” 【入賞者】
The most challenging aspect was to cover the topic. Students could more easily write about how they would describe Japan and New Zealand than what they would do to represent New Zealand once back in Japan.
There were many very good essays, so my congratulations to all students for giving it a try.
最優秀賞:淡路 大道さん(桐光学園高等学校)
講評 The writer compares the attitude of New Zealanders and Japanese towards nature and environmental issues.
The content is informative, reflective and topical. The standard of English is high.
優秀中学生賞:栗原 ほのかさん(公文国際学園中等部)
講評 This essay has impact. It is well researched with good use of evidence to illustrate points made and interesting examples. Her topic is “magokoro.”
優秀高校生賞:吉田 光さん(東大谷高等学校)
講評 The topic of this essay is “omotenashi.” The topic is well researched with good examples as evidence.
特別賞:菊池 守佑子さん(岡山大学教育学部附属中学校)
講評 This essay shows originality because it focuses on how she would communicate the message to students in Japan and New Zealand though technology. Some creative ideas expressed in good English.
特別賞…「AIC Teens Online」の1か月無料体験+図書カード5千円分
努力賞…「AIC Teens Online」の1か月無料体験
最優秀賞:淡路 大道さんの作品 |
New Zealand and Japan define each other as a country with a lot of nature, but my stance is to recognize and support each other's national strengths. Tokyo, one of the three largest cities in the world, has many skyscrapers such as Shinjuku, Marunouchi and Shibuya, but a short walk from Tokyo Station is the nature-rich Imperial Palace and a short walk from Shibuya is Yoyogi Park. They are places of relaxation for city people, children and elderly people who are tired of breathing the city air every day. Nowadays, foreign tourists who come to Tokyo for business or pleasure say that no other city has such a mix of nature and buildings.
I read in an earlier book that many people abroad believe that nature is made up of humans and that humans can control nature. I read in a previous book that many people think that nature is made up of humans and that humans can control nature. But the Japanese think the opposite. The Japanese believe that man is kept alive by nature. They believe that human beings are allowed to live with nature. Both New Zealand and Japan are earthquake-prone countries. Japan has many natural disasters other than earthquakes, such as typhoons and storm surges. However, since human beings have been kept alive by nature, Japanese people do not dislike nature even when natural disasters occur. When natural disasters occur, our daily behavior changes. The Japanese people love nature, and they are saved by nature. And they believe that they are saved by nature. The next question is how to introduce New Zealand to Japanese students. I am about the natural destructive effects of the spread of renewable energy. Japan is now exploring ways to provide energy in the future, and the development of nuclear power has been held back by the effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011. However, we must discourage carbon dioxide emitting power generation methods for the sake of the world and future generations. In New Zealand, the supply rate of renewable energy is about 80%. We are aiming for 90% in the future. Hydropower generation has been attracting attention in Japan in recent years because it has the highest rate of renewable energy supply in the country. But here is a problem in Japan. There is a growing consensus that dams for the use of hydropower generation are destroying nature. Here is a vision of New Zealand that I would like to introduce to my Japanese students. The New Zealand government will focus on geothermal power generation in the future. Japan and New Zealand are both volcanic countries. Also, geothermal power is less destructive to the environment than hydroelectric power. I would like to introduce New Zealand's future energy policy. Finally, I made a general overview of nature, focusing on the similarities between New Zealand and Japan. I talked to the New Zealand students about the depth of the Japanese faith in nature. To the Japanese students, I explained that New Zealand is one of the most environmentally conscious countries in the world, and that resources, renewable energy, and global warming will be important topics on a global scale in the future. Recognizing the similarities between each other's countries and knowing each other's ideas relates not only to students and students, but also to diplomacy on a national scale. I would like to see a world where we can meet and respect each other instead of marinating in each other's faults and weaknesses. Thank you. |
テーマ | How I would represent Japan to New Zealand students and what I would do to represent New Zealand to Japanese students on my return to Japan. |
応募資格 | 日本国内在住の中学生・高校生(英語が母国語ではない生徒) |
応募締切 | 2020年11月30日(月)必着 |
応募規定 | 【使用言語】英語 【語数】本文のみ401語~600語 |
応募方法 | 応募フォームに本文を直接入力して送信してください。 応募フォーム |
その他 | 応募は自作未発表のものに限ります。また、応募作品の一切の権利はAuckland International Collegeならびに株式会社AICエデュケーションに帰属します。 |
各賞(予定) | 最優秀賞1名 優秀中学生賞1名 優秀高校生賞1名 努力賞17名程度 |
副賞 | 最優秀賞・優秀賞受賞者は、ニュージーランド短期(約2週間)語学留学プログラム AIC ESOLコース短期留学にご招待! (諸事情により海外への渡航が不可能な場合は、代替商品としてiPad[17万円相当]を贈呈) |
主催 | 国際バカロレア認定校 Auckland International College(ニュージーランド) |
後援 | ニュージーランド大使館 三菱UFJ銀行 株式会社AICエデュケーション |
お問い合わせ先 | 株式会社AICエデュケーション AIC事業本部 AIC Essay Contest係 0120-17-0419[受付9:00~19:00/日・祝除く] aic-support@oshu.co.jp |
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